At Advisorpedia, we feel it’s our duty to deliver advanced-level content that makes experienced financial advisors better in every way alongside content designed to level set and educate advisors at all levels. We will be dedicating some Power Your Advice episodes to that effort. Joining us to discuss our first topic – clearing firms – is Michael Scaplen, senior vice president of sales and relationship management at Axos Clearing, LLC.

In today’s episode, Doug & Michael answer the following questions:

  • What does a clearing house do?
  • What types of transactions occur on behalf of the advisor and their clients inside a clearing firm?
  • What makes clearing firms different from one another?
  • What should drive advisors to choose one clearing firm over another?
  • How have clearing firms evolved over the last 10 years?
  • What does the future hold for clearing houses?

Originally recorded and hosted by Advisorpedia

Click here to listen.